A multi-site model evaluation project for urban areas

Phase 2 Phase 1 Download project protocol
Mathew Lipson (UNSW), Sue Grimmond (Reading), Martin Best (Met Office),
with observational and modelling participants.
file JULES_2T_AU-Preston_baseline_v1.tstep.updated.nc
title JULES_2T urban model output for the Urban-PLUMBER project
site AU-Preston
experiment baseline
institution Met Office
primary_contact Martin Best: martin.best@metoffice.gov.uk
model JULES_2T
source JULES GL9 adapted to include 2-tile urban scheme and the Manabe bucket and FAO Penmen Moneith schemes as additional surfaces
references Best et al., 2011. The Joint UK Land Enviromnet Simulator (JULES), model description - Part 1: Energy and water fluxes. Geosci. Model Dev., 4, 677-699.
repository N/A
site_experience Modelled site for PILPS-Urban
comment Post processed with scripts by m.lipson@unsw.edu.au
history JULES_2T_AU-Preston_baseline_v1.tstep.nc through postprocess_JULES.py at 2021-04-28 11:49:18.631634