A multi-site model evaluation project for urban areas

Phase 2 Phase 1 Download project protocol
Mathew Lipson (UNSW), Sue Grimmond (Reading), Martin Best (Met Office),
with observational and modelling participants.
file Lodz_SUEB_AU-Preston_d2_1_Lodz_SUEB_AU-Preston_detailed_v2.nc
title Lodz_SUEB output for the Urban-PLUMBER project
site Preston
experiment Detailed experiment
institution University of Lodz
primary_contact Krzysztof Fortuniak krzysztof.fortuniak@geo.uni.lodz.pl
secondary_contact -
model Lodz-SUEB
source Lodz SUrface Energy Balance
references -
repository -
site_experience probably yes - participation in Model Comparison 1
additional_data no
comment Qstor is a heat flux to the ground in “urban slab” NOT the rest from the balance (Q* - Qh - Qle)
history Created with create_netcdf_kf_d1.py at 2021-02-08 20:07:19.781174