A multi-site model evaluation project for urban areas

Phase 2 Phase 1 Download project protocol
Mathew Lipson (UNSW), Sue Grimmond (Reading), Martin Best (Met Office),
with observational and modelling participants.
file SUEWS-2020b-detailedr2_SUEWS_AU-Preston_baseline_v20210419.nc
title SUEWS output for the Urban-PLUMBER project
site AU-Preston
experiment baseline
institution UrbanMet Group, University of Reading
primary_contact Ting Sun, ting.sun@reading.ac.uk
secondary_contact Sue Grimmond, c.s.grimmond@reading.ac.uk
model SUEWS
source SUEWS
references Jarvi et al. (2011, JoH); Ward et al. (2016, UrbClim)
repository https://github.com/umep-dev/suews
site_experience extensively used in several UK, North American and Chinese cities
additional_data No
comment NA
history Created with /Users/sunt05/Dropbox/6.Repos/SUEWS-uPLUMBER/3.create_netcdf_SUEWS.py at 2021-04-19 09:40:59.592847