A multi-site model evaluation project for urban areas

Phase 2 Phase 1 Download project protocol
Mathew Lipson (UNSW), Sue Grimmond (Reading), Martin Best (Met Office),
with observational and modelling participants.

Variable definitions

for more details refer to the ALMA protocol definitions

short_name long_name (positive direction) units min. max.
SWnet Net shortwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2 0 1200
LWnet Net longwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2 -500 510
Qle Latent heat flux (positive upward) W/m2 -700 700
Qh Sensible heat flux (positive upward) W/m2 -600 600
Qanth Anthropogenic heat flux (positive upward) W/m2 0 1000
Qstor Net storage heat flux in all materials (increase) W/m2 -800 800
SWup Upwelling shortwave radiation flux (positive upward) W/m2 0 1360
LWup Upwelling longwave radiation flux (positive upward) W/m2 0 1000
Qg Ground heat flux (positive downward) W/m2 -500 500
Qanth_Qh Anthropogenic sensible heat flux (positive upward) W/m2 0 1000
Qanth_Qle Anthropogenic latent heat flux (positive upward) W/m2 0 1000
Qtau Momentum flux (positive downward) N/m2 -100 100
Albedo Surface albedo 1 0 1
CAlbedo Vegetation canopy albedo 1 0 1
UAlbedo Urban canopy albedo 1 0 1
SAlbedo Snow albedo 1 0 1
LAI Leaf area index 1 0 15
SnowFrac Snow covered fraction 1 0 1
SWE Snow water equivalent kg/m2 0 2000
SurfStor Surface water storage kg/m2 0 2000
RoofSurfT Roof surface temperature (skin) K 213 353
WallSurfT Wall surface temperature (skin) K 213 353
RoadSurfT Road surface temperature (skin) K 213 353
TairSurf Near surface air temperature (2m) K 213 333
TairCanyon Air temperature in street canyon (bulk) K 213 333
TairBuilding Air temperature in buildings (bulk) K 253 333
SnowT Snow surface temperature K 213 280
VegT Vegetation canopy temperature K 213 333
BaresoilT Temperature of bare soil K 213 343
AvgSurfT Average surface temperature (skin) K 213 333
RadT Surface radiative temperature K 213 353
SoilTemp Average layer soil temperature K 213 333
SoilMoist Average layer soil moisture kg/m2 0 2000
SoilWet Total soil wetness 1 -0.2 1.2
TVeg Vegetation transpiration kg/m2/s -0.0003 0.0003
ESoil Bare soil evaporation kg/m2/s -0.0003 0.0003
RootMoist Root zone soil moisture kg/m2 0 2000
ACond Aerodynamic conductance m/s 0 1
Qirrig Anthropogenic water flux from irrigation (increase) kg/m2/s 0 0.02
Evap Total evapotranspiration (positive upward) kg/m2/s -0.0003 0.0003
Qs Surface runoff (positive out of gridcell) kg/m2/s 0 5
Qsb Subsurface runoff (positive out of gridcell) kg/m2/s 0 5
Qsm Snowmelt (solid to liquid) kg/m2/s 0 0.005
Qfz Re-freezing of water in the snow (liquid to solid) kg/m2/s 0 0.005
DelSoilMoist Change in soil moisture (increase) kg/m2 -2000 2000
DelSWE Change in snow water equivalent (increase) kg/m2 -2000 2000
DelIntercept Change in interception storage (increase) kg/m2 -100 100
SWdown Downward shortwave radiation at measurement height W/m2 0 1360
LWdown Downward longwave radiation at measurement height W/m2 0 750
Tair Air temperature at measurement height K 213 333
Qair Specific humidity at measurement height 1 0 0.03
Rainf Rainfall rate (positive downward) kg/m2/s 0 0.02
Snowf Snowfall rate (positive downward) kg/m2/s 0 0.0085
PSurf Air pressure at measurement height Pa 5000 110000
Wind Wind speed at measurement height m/s -75 75
alb Implied albedo calculated from SWdown and SWnet 1 0 1
Qstar Net all wave radiation flux W/m2 -500 1200